Happiness is an attitude

Happiness is an attitude

January, 2022

What to say on such a special day?

After a very complicated year, due to the illness, all the problems of logistics, transport, energy costs, the fear of what is happening in the world and the uncertainty, I want to let you know that the company is doing well. ITV Ice Makers is solid.

We have orders and the possibility to grow and continue to be everyone’s home, ours and our families’.

And there are two messages I want to convey to you this Christmas 2021:

First, I want to thank you for the flexibility you are showing in adapting to so many changes. In production, in the commercial team, in the purchasing team, in engineering, everyone’s effort for quality, 360º customer service, finance… a job well done that is giving results.

And second, I want you to be happy. But what does it mean that I want you to be happy?

Wishing for happiness without anything more is nonsense. Life is a backwards count, things happen to us, illnesses, accidents, everything, but what I want you to understand is the attitude. I want us to reflect on the positive side of everything that happens to us, including the stupidity of saying that I had a career…

And we can learn from this, we can manage the attitude we have in the face of these challenges that arise. We have colleagues who have gone through super hard times for the family, for your own health, for illness, economic problems, and it is the attitude that makes us happy.

You will not be happy like a magical utopia, like a sterile desire.

What I want is for whenever you have a problem, to see the positive side, to deal with it, and to have the attitude of getting up and moving forward, this year and all of our lives.

And finally, we are here because of the effort and work of each and every one of us, so be grateful, to yourselves, to your families, friends, because we are all what made ITV Ice Makers possible.

And having said that, the message is: BE HAPPY. Together we have created a very solid company because we are an exceptional team, with a present and future of growth and expansion.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Our effort. Our team.

Our effort. Our team.

November, 2021

We have made it a habit, we have normalized the enthusiasm and we do not perceive the effort of ITV ICE Makers, our teams and ours.

What do I mean? To sport. At ITV we support children’s, women’s, local sports, and our sports hobbies. We team up with the t-shirts, the stickers, the banners… everything is US.

Once again, I invite you to enjoy the possibility and opportunity that ITV gives us to play sports. The level or type of activity does not matter. I encourage you to go running, cycling, swimming, fishing, playing soccer, going to the gym… alone or in teams, 100% or with a specific goal, and above all, to SHARE IT.

I review the photographs in the company album and I am happy. I identify with all of us (there are fewer of us!), and the truth is, I love seeing them.

This effort we make is also reflected in the day-to-day life of the company: the value of improving ourselves every day, of facing new challenges, and a job well done.

So let’s continue playing, doing sports with ITV Ice Makers as support and sharing that wonderful experience that is OVERCOME.

Let’s continue to be part of the ICE FOR LIFE spirit.


March 2021

March 2021

Through the terrible Castilian steppe,
to exile, with twelve of his own
-dust, sweat and iron- the Cid rides.

Good morning,

This summer I wanted to start by talking about a movie, an inspiring one, a soldier, and now I return to quote a soldier, a brave man, El Cid, quoting some verses from the poet Antonio Machado.

He has many readings, but I want us to stay with the positive part, nothing stops him, no matter the vicissitudes, no matter how hard the exile is, they are a team, their own.

The situation is what it is, do not fool yourself, hospitality and tourism are going through a very critical situation throughout the world, and especially in Spain due to our dependence on these sectors.

This crisis has an aspect that is difficult to manage, uncertainty, not knowing what, when and how, and this can weaken us and make wrong decisions.

I want to convey to you that I have the firm confidence that ITV Ice Makers will come out of this (what I don’t even know what to call it), fighting, with some injuries, but we will get out, we have worked hard and created a solid company that is now weathering the storm.

Our challenge is to be prepared, quality, range, adjustment of times, prices and product improvement, in this way ITV will return to the path of growth, there are many projects underway, the world has only slowed down, not stopped, and we work on new agreements with hospitality chains and supermarkets so as not to stop, we fight step by step.

Globalization has led us to a more complex and interconnected world, and we must be attentive to seek and find all opportunities, and we are all in this, sales, purchasing, manufacturing, quality, laboratory, mkt, security, logistics, service, customer service, finance, development, lean, if something fails, we all fail, and every grain of sand we do every day helps the entire company.

Thank you VERY MUCH and we will tell you what there is and what we achieved TOGETHER.

Strength and honor

Strength and honor

August, 2020

We start 2020 with high hopes and a growth projection based on the pillars of quality, sustainability and teamwork.

We had professional, personal and family projects.

And suddenly everything changed.

We are not owners of our future, but we can be prepared for any adversity, and that is what has happened to us, the solidity and responsibility with which we have directed ITV has meant that we have and are fighting every day to continue being a benchmark in the world of ice production machines, a great company, inside and out.

What does the future hold? Of course it is uncertain, changing, and unknown, but we work hard, we build defenses, and we arm ourselves.

Let’s have a positive attitude, because we are fighting, we continue in the market, responding to all clients, preparing offers, looking for opportunities, we can only congratulate ourselves for how well we are all doing in all areas of the company.
I like to think that immaterial gifts are more important than material ones, and now more than ever I confirm this.

We are back, September is here, and we are going to continue with our measures and controls, not letting our guard down, and we also need your help and commitment, don’t let it down either.

Again, thank you all for the effort you are making and the effort we are going to have to make, this is not over, but we are very good!!!

For those of you who have seen Gladiator, I don’t have to explain the subject of the message, and for those who haven’t, I recommend the first fifteen minutes, it’s worth it.

We are in this together and nothing and no one is going to stop us!


March 2020

March 2020

Good morning

We begin a new week in this stage of global health crisis due to Covid-19 that is hitting us, significantly in human lives, and that has changed our daily routines, personally and professionally.

At ITV Ice Makers, in this period of uncertainty, we continue to put the people who make up our entire team and their families first. We have all changed our work routines. The official news from the health authorities also tells us that we – as a society – have very complicated days ahead of us. Therefore, at this time, we must be responsible and maintain the same level of security, both here and in our homes.

Regarding the business, in recent days we have been coordinated to give the best response to our clients in each of the ongoing projects. We have overcome the challenge of working remotely continuously and in the face of an extraordinary situation like the one we are experiencing, with extra dedication and professionalism. Thank you all very much for your contribution of value to this teamwork.

Nor do I want to hide from you that we have uncertain days ahead of us.

Our goal is to maintain the level of service and quality that differentiates us, and all teams are coordinated to achieve this.

With the effort and involvement of the entire ITV Ice Makers team, we will win this battle together and we will all emerge stronger, as individuals, as a society and as an organization.

Cheer up and go for it!


We are a work of art

We are a work of art

December, 2017

Thank you very much for being here, for being part of ITV Ice Makers.

We live surrounded by beauty: within our family life, in the company of good friends, in the enjoyment of so many works of art such as books, painting, music, cinema… but also at work. And of course in our company.

Thomas Aquinas wrote that beauty is the proper proportion of things. For example, a cake is not better because it contains more sugar, but rather because it has the right proportion.
Work, he said, can also be more or less beautiful; It depends, like a cake, on what we put in it.

We are all aware that we work not only for money; or just because we like our task; or just for good company; or just for the satisfaction of a job well done…which we have surely felt more than once.
We work and we want to work for each and every one of those things, and to the extent that they are all present every day, the work will be beautiful.
And we can say about him, like a good cake: I like it.

Beautiful women and men are also beautiful because of their work; because they have managed to make this daily third of life enrich them, beautify them.
I am not talking, as you have already guessed, about aesthetics, about superficial beauty subject to fashion, beauty is something deeper and more complex.

When we listen to Maria Kosenkova we all know, even if we are not aware, that behind that voice, that harmony, that talent there is not a hidden genius, nor a mysterious spell, but rather many hours of work, of trials, of errors, of successes, joys and also tears. From people she has learned from, and continues to learn, and others she will have taught.

I would like to believe that ITV has also taught us something, but let you know, and I am sure of this, that I have learned from you.
For that I thank you; because you make my daily journey a beautiful experience.

I’m not going to compare Maria’s art to our ice machines.
But I am going to do it with what is behind our machines: the effort of everyone, the talent, the search for perfection, solidarity and sincerity, teamwork, the humility to not get discouraged, the courage to innovate…

You are, we are, a work of art, thank you very much

Javier & Cristina