NRA Show 2024: Thank you all

NRA Show 2024: Thank you all

May, 2024


I am proud to share with you that we are present at the NRA Show 2024 in Chicago, one of the most important trade fairs for hospitality equipment. This event is crucial for ITV Ice Makers, as it gives us a unique opportunity to showcase our ice machines and strengthen our presence both in the United States and in other markets. Many customers and friends from all over the world visit us and share their experiences with us, which is always motivating.

At ITV Ice Makers we have worked hard to create a stand that reflects our commitment to quality and excellence. Our décor, signage and, of course, our ice machines in operation have been designed to impress and demonstrate the reliability and efficiency that characterise our brand.

However, beyond the technology and presentation, I want to highlight the most valuable part of our company: our team. Their dedication, professionalism and passion are what really set us apart. Every member of ITV Ice Makers has put in their best effort to ensure that our presence at the NRA Show is a memorable one.

Thanks also to you, we are showing the world why ITV Ice Makers is a benchmark in the ice industry. I invite you to continue in the same spirit of excellence and collaboration that has brought us this far. Each one of us is a fundamental part of this success.

We have invited the whole world to enjoy the opportunity to experience the ITV Ice Makers difference, our Ice For Life spirit.

And I can only repeat: THANK YOU.


The Ice For Life spirit in our Customer Service team

The Ice For Life spirit in our Customer Service team

January, 2024

Good morning,

At the beginning of this new year, I would like to share with you the fundamental values that drive the ICE FOR LIFE spirit at ITV ICE MAKERS.

In our trajectory, we have gone from being a fledgling project to gaining a prominent position in the market. And this success has been possible thanks to the sacrifice and dedication of each and every one of us.

And I would like to highlight some of the pillars that have been fundamental in our path, especially in the Customer Service department:

Dedication and involvement: I would like to highlight the effort and dedication that each one of you brings to your daily work. There are numerous examples where this dedication has made a significant difference to our customers’ experience. This does not go unnoticed, and I would like to express my sincere thanks for this.

Balance between flexibility and dedication: Flexibility is a virtue we value and need, but it is also essential to understand that this flexibility must not erode our commitment to service excellence. Both aspects, flexibility and dedication, must coexist harmoniously for the benefit of both our clients and ourselves.

The importance of teamwork: Our success is not the achievement of an individual, but the result of a collective effort. Each of us brings unique skills and the best of ourselves to achieve a common goal. It is this collaboration and synchronisation that has brought us to where we are today.

Culture and balance: Here at ITV ICE MAKERS, culture goes beyond counting every second. It is about recognising and valuing the efforts of each of us in our work environment and in terms of the goals we share as a team. The balance is found in fair valuation and recognition of a job well done.

Open communication: I invite you, instead of focusing on counting the minutes, to open channels of communication to express our needs and concerns. I am confident that if we speak openly and honestly, we will find solutions that meet individual, team and company needs.

Together, with dedication, commitment and honest communication, we will continue to build and strengthen this great family that is ITV ICEMAKERS.

Thank you for your effort, it is the basis of our success.

Let’s keep on working together!


Theatre at ITV Ice Makers: The mMusicians of Bremen

Theatre at ITV Ice Makers: The mMusicians of Bremen

January, 2024

Good morning,

Last January 5th we shared with some of you and your children a very special event: a play set to music based on the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale, “The Bremen Musicians”. The experience turned out to be a real life lesson for all of us, and I want to share why we decided to do it.
The story of “The Bremen Musicians” is known for its captivating plot, but more importantly, for its powerful moral. At the heart of the story, we find four animals, a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, who, despite being shunned by their owners due to their advanced age, decide to embark on an adventure together to become Bremen musicians. As they progress on their journey, these friends discover the importance of self-acceptance and collaboration.

The play we enjoyed together reminded us how valuable it is to feel at ease with oneself, regardless of age or circumstances, and how teamwork can overcome any obstacle. The characters on stage conveyed this message in an emotional and entertaining way, leaving a deep impression on all of us.

This event was not only an opportunity for the children to immerse themselves in the magic of theatre, but also a way to instil important values such as collaboration and cooperation in their education. The story of the Bremen musicians reminded us all that sometimes in life we need to join forces and work together to achieve our goals.

We are delighted to have shared this experience with you and your families, and hope that you enjoyed the play as much as the actors and those of us who organised it. We will continue to foster this atmosphere of collaboration and mutual appreciation at ITV Ice Makers, and we hope that this lesson from “The Bremen Players” will inspire us to continue working together towards a bright future.

Thank you for being part of ITV Ice Makers and for joining us on this special day. We hope to create more memorable moments and valuable lessons together in the future.
And thanks to Yulia Vashchenko and her theatre school for making this dream come true!

Until the next adventure!


Appointment Forum of Renowned Spanish Brands

Appointment Forum of Renowned Spanish Brands

November, 2022

Good afternoon,

I would like to share with you the event that Javier and I attended on Monday the 21st.

ITV Ice Makers is a member of the Leading Brands of Spain Forum, a forum of which S.M. the King holds the honorary presidency and whose patron members include ACCIONA, Barceló Hotel Group, Hijos de Rivera, S.A.U. Inditex, MAPFRE, Grupo Osborne, Repsol and TENDAM.

The presentation focused on analyzing Spain’s role in the world from different perspectives. This is an important milestone for the FMRE, in which ITV Ice Makers participated as a forum member.

The list of speakers, their status and the topics covered made this event unique for all participants:

Reyes Maroto, Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism;
José Juan Ruiz, president of the Royal Elcano Institute;
Gabriela Cañas, President of the EFE Agency;
Emilio Butragueño, director of institutional relations of Real Madrid;
Sara Baras, dancer, director and choreographer, with whom Cristina Cordón shared some moments, both underlining the importance of flamenco in the internationalization of the Spanish brand.
María Blasco, Director of the National Center for Oncology Research:
Luis García Montero, writer and director of the Cervantes Institute.

I would like to highlight the presentation of Pablo López, Director General of the Brands Forum, who provided us with guidance to work on the areas where the importance of the brand is evident, both in internationalization and in intangibles, and that for ITV Ice Makers, for our growth, it was a great help.

A great job in favor of the Spain brand, of which I will keep you informed.


Merry Christmas to all

Merry Christmas to all

Merry Christmas to everyone!
On a day as special as today, I would like to start by thanking everyone for being part of this great family that is ITV Ice Makers. At this time of celebration and togetherness, it is important to pause for a moment to recognise the effort and commitment of each and every one of us.
In this year that is coming to an end, we have overcome obstacles and challenges, hard work, dedication and commitment to fulfil our commitments as a company.
Every ice machine that leaves ITV is not just a product, it is the result of the passion, creativity and effort of each and every one of us.
But beyond the machines, the most valuable thing we have built is our union as a team. We are a family, you are my family, a group of people who support each other, who strive to grow and improve day by day. And that togetherness and solidarity are the pillars that will help us to achieve our goals.
For this new year, I would like to invite you to continue to maintain the passion, commitment and dedication that defines ITV Ice Makers. Let’s continue to work together with enthusiasm, creativity and perseverance to make ITV Ice Makers continue to be a benchmark of excellence that we are proud of.
Today let us celebrate not only the successes of the past, but also the infinite potential we have for the future, let us renew our bonds and strengthen our determination to continue to grow and succeed together.
Merry Christmas to you all! Thank you for being part of this wonderful team.


Ecoriba Circular Awards

Ecoriba Circular Awards

December, 2023

Good morning,

Yesterday the Ribarroja Town Council awarded us the ECORIBA CIRCULAR award, and it was an honour and a privilege to accept it on behalf of ITV Ice Makers, of all of us. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the jury for recognising our efforts and dedication in this important field.

The circular economy is a philosophy that seeks to transform the way we produce and consume, with the aim of minimising waste and maximising the value of resources. On a planet where natural resources are limited, it is essential to adopt a more sustainable and responsible approach, and companies have an obligation to be part of this change.

At ITV Ice Makers we are working to implement circular economy practices throughout our operations. We have adopted measures to reduce energy and water consumption, implemented efficient recycling systems, actively sought ways to reuse and revalue the materials we use and improved the efficiency of our ice machines.

But this award is not only a recognition of our work, but also a reminder of the importance of the circular economy in today’s context. We live in a world where environmental challenges are increasingly urgent and we must act decisively and collectively.

The ECORIBA CIRCULAR award drives us forward in our commitment to AGENDA 2030. And it inspires us to look for new ways to innovate and collaborate with other actors in society to drive real and lasting change.

I want to thank you all for your dedication and passion in implementing these ways of working. Without your commitment, this award would not be possible.
I would also like to thank customers, suppliers and partners for their support and trust in our work.

Finally, we encourage everyone to join ITV ICE MAKERS on this journey towards a more sustainable economy. Together, we can make a difference and build a better future for generations to come.

Thank you again for this honour and for believing in our work!


Mme. Roselyne Sibille

Mme. Roselyne Sibille

October, 2023

I want to share with all of you the pain of the death of Madame Roselyne Sibille, founder of the company CODIGEL, our strategic partner in France.

Her contribution to the hospitality equipment sector in France, particularly in the introduction of ice machines and professional hospitality equipment, is a testament to her vision and pioneering leadership in the industry. Furthermore, her support for the development of restaurant groups and chains is a significant legacy, her continued imprint on our sector.

A strong and advanced woman, one of those who later worked and have continued the fight day by day. A feminist without labels, cultured, intelligent and fun, an example for me.

I should highlight that Madame Roselyne Sibille has continued to be involved in the company and participating in the General Assemblies until she was 91 years old, which demonstrates her commitment and passion for the business that she helped found and develop. Her legacy will undoubtedly live on in the hospitality industry and she will continue to be remembered for her contributions.

She was a partner, friend and companion of my father, Octavio Cordón, and she made us participate in her way of understanding business and, of course, life.

My condolences to her family, to the members of the CODIGEL company and to all those who knew her. Her influence in the industry and her life dedicated to the business are worthy of admiration, and an example for me, for everyone.

A prayer for her soul, rest in peace.


ITV ice makers: an afternoon at the Circus

ITV ice makers: an afternoon at the Circus

January, 2023

Good morning,

I want to thank you and share with you that Friday was a very special day, where we were able to get together again, have fun and share.

Why go to the CIRCUS? Not all of us have had the opportunity to enjoy this show, and it is a rewarding and enriching experience.

If there is one event that we always miss from when we were little, it is, without a doubt, the circus. Clowns, jugglers, acrobats… Everything reminds us of moments full of magic, light and color. And the circus has been, is and will be the show par excellence where illusion, fantasy and imagination are mixed, but it is also the only show where perfection is the rule.

What inspires us the Circus?

ILLUSION, our lighthouse.
TEAMWORK, the essence.
We are excited about the acrobatics of the Circus, and nothing would be the same without the perfection of teamwork, that is the essence, the three ideas, and that is the inspiration.

Let me tell you that the year 2022 has been an excellent year for ITV Ice Makers, despite the difficulties we have had with suppliers, deadlines, changes, machines that have not followed us, etc., we can congratulate ourselves on everything we have achieved together.

Also, the outlook and projection for 2023 is very good, we have laid the foundations for robust and sustained growth.

And without anything else to say, let the show begin, and let these three ideas mark our daily lives in all aspects of our lives:



We want to be the best…and we are going to be the best

We want to be the best…and we are going to be the best

July, 2022

Good morning,

If at Christmas I talked to you about happiness, today I want to talk to you about COMMITMENT.

What do we mean by commitment? It’s loyalty, teamwork, efficiency, doing your job well, offering your time.

But we cannot understand commitment as an obligation, because then it weighs on us, costs us and does not have the same value, nor do we feel it in the same way. This is why I ask you to change the verb and apply it to all aspects of our lives.

Let’s change the concept of DUTY with that of WANT.

If we say “I have to go to work”, “I have to pay attention to what I do”, “I have to go for a run”… these actions weigh on us and become an obligation. However, if we change the verb and say “I want to go to work”, “I want to pay attention and do my job well”, “I want to go for a run”… we completely change the subject. Those of us who play sports know well how attention changes from having to do to wanting to!

And commitment is linked to that WANT. If there is no commitment, there is no job well done and there is no excellence, which we must all aspire to.

A company is like a boat, we all have to row at the same pace and in the same direction. Otherwise, we will not achieve the objectives we have set for ourselves and we will not arrive at the port.

So I want the summer to be good and, above all, I want us to be the best of the ITV ice makers. And we will be.

Thank you.


The data killed the story

The data killed the story

June, 2022


A week ago I was lucky enough to share the 5th Lean congress, organized by Progressa and ADL, with professionals from all sectors, and I take advantage of this forum to share with you some of the points we covered in the congress.

The certain thing is that the foundations of a continuous improvement project are people, and Lean tools are those that help us on the path to excellence. By people I mean you, us, the whole team that accompanies me on this adventure.

I talked about digitizing ITV, which is not simply adding IT support or implementing software, but must be part of an evolution of staff on the path to continuous improvement. And, in fact, all accompanied by training and involvement, the boring phrase “it’s in the DNA” doesn’t work and isn’t real. Many of the team remember the first steps in this method, measuring, collecting data, improving and planting the seeds of this great project.

Now we are on the right path, we improve, we implement new tools, and we continue with the usual ones in new departments, everyone participates and everyone helps… TOP5, VSM, tallers, class, we must be proud of what we are achieving.

We would not be, nor would we have achieved what ITV Ice Makers is now, without this transformation. Not only for the direct profit – the first thing you notice, the improvements over time -, but also for many others that are not seen immediately, but which are however more substantial.

And we are moving towards Lean 4.0 at LÊS. It is necessary and above all it is inevitable. From my experience, it empowers the team, transmits security and pride of belonging.

With the installation of Lean, and now the transition to LÊS, again with Nexo Ingenieria Informatica and Progressa Lean giving us support, we will increase productivity and reduce production costs.

And to highlight some points about what we are going to work on:

Process digitalization: we centralize problems and action plans

The communication system, immediate and without waste

Improving monitoring routines

Access to all information in real time and without excuses

And what is the key to the outcome of a change in Lean methodology:

Training and partners

Don’t think you can learn Lean in 5 days

Let there be no ostentation

That it is not seen or perceived as the inquisition

That the indicators are understood from the point of view of improvement, not as an accusation

And fundamental: smile

