
Does not make ice or does not pump water
1. Check that there is power to the machine and to the pump.
2. Check if the compressor is working.
3. Check if water is entering the machine.
4. Check that water is being pumped or if there are any leaks.
No water is being pumped to the evaporator
1. Check that the water pump is being supplied with power.
2. Check for water leakage in the tank.
3. Check the status of the water pump filter.
White ice is coming out
Ice is too full/empty
1. What number is the cycle thermostat set to? There is a red dot on the thermostat indicating the factory setting. The setting depends on the working conditions.
2. By increasing the thermostat setting, the ice is fuller/bigger. The regulation goes from 1 to 7 (a higher number indicates a greater quantity).
3. Check that the cycle thermostat is working properly, when it fails, the timing is fixed and does not depend on the temperature detected in the evaporator, with no cycle timing.
4. Check refrigerating system for possible compressor failure.
* Please note that for the correct operation of the machine, it may take 2-3 cycles for it to stabilise at optimum ice production. Especially in models with programmer (NG 110 and 150) this state can be forced, adding water manually or turning the cams to start another filling cycle.
Starts and stops constantly
Alarms on the circuit board. New models.
Indicated with an orange flashing light:
LED LE1 Thermal protector.
LED LE2 Maximum manufacturing time 60′ (T evaporator > Tc).
LED LE3 Maximum start-up time 5′ (T evaporator < Tg).
LED LE4 Cycle sensor error.

The water doesn’t enter in the ice machine
1. Check the status of the buoy micro.
2. Check if the voltage reaches the water inlet valve.
3. Check the regulation of the buoy.
There is no ice and the machine is stopped
1. Check the micro installed on the connecting rod of the water bin.
2. Check that the high pressure safety pressure switch has continuity.
3. Check the status of the relay.
The ice doesn’t detach from the evaporator
There is a block of ice in the evaporator
1. Is the motor that moves the paddles working?
2. Check the motor micro that moves the paddles. This micro activates the hot gas valve.
The bin where the water is stored doesn’t go down
The ice bin where the water is stored doesn’t stop rising and falling
1. Check the mics of the turner motor. These mics are responsible of controlling the movement of the engine.
2. Check the micro of the agitator motor micro (paddles engine).
The machine is connected and it doesn’t start
1. If you do not have the light of the switch on, it is because there is no voltage.
2. The machine has a delay time once it is connected. You should wait 10 minutes. If after 10 minutes it does not start, you should check the timer.
3. Does the water get into the machine? If the water doesn’t arrive, the machine has a magnetic float which interrupts the operation.
It starts and stops constantly
1. Do you have a clean air condenser? If it is dirty it should be cleaned. If it is a machine cooled by water, you should check that the water comes in and out of the condenser.
2. Is the condensation pressure switch working correctly? The pressure switch must connect the fan when the pressure reaches 18 Bar and must disconnect the fan when the pressure is at 15.5 Bar.
3. Is the high pressure safety pressure switch working properly? You must stop the machine if the pressure reaches 30 Bar. It will restart the machine when the pressure returns to 21 Bar.
A lot of water falls through the ice chute
1. The buoy installed in the blue water tank must be regulated to prevent that the water leaves the overflow and falls through the ice chute.
2. If the evaporation temperature is higher than it should be, the ice can get very wet and water can fall out of the ice chute.
Low production
1. Which evaporation temperature does it have? The evaporation temperature influences a lot in the production.
2. What temperature of water and environment do you have? The machines’ production is calculated with 15ºC of water and 20ºC of environment. Above this temperature, the production decreases.
The ice comes out very soft
1. ¿Which evaporation temperature does it have? If the temperature is higher than it should be, the ice comes out softer.
2. What temperature of water and environment do you have? The production of the machines is calculated with 15ºC of water and 20ºC of environment. Above this temperature, the production decreases.
The machine does not produce ice
1. On undercounter units, check that the cleaning switch (black color) is on I (compressor running).
2. Check that water reaches the evaporator (transparent tube without bubbles).
Failure due to thermal gear motor
1. Check that water reaches the evaporator (transparent tube without bubbles).
2. Clean the evaporator according to the protocol.
3. Reset the thermal relay if it has tripped. If necessary, increase the intensity of the relay.
4. Check the direction of the gear motor rotation (always counterclockwise).
5. Check the evaporation temperature, it must not be less than the value of each unit.

Does not make ice or does not pump water
1. Check that there is power to the machine and to the pump.
2. Check if the compressor is working.
3. Check if water is entering the machine.
4. Check that water is being pumped or if there are any leaks.
5. Check the condition of the water pump filter.
6. Check the panel alarms (New models).
No water is being pumped to the evaporator
1. Check that the water pump is being supplied with power.
2. Check for water leakage in the tank.
3. Check the status of the water pump filter.
White ice is coming out
1. Check the state of the injectors for possible obstruction.
2. Check if the machine is running out of water during ice production.
3. Curtain flaps do not close properly, they get stuck and water is lost.
* Please note that for the correct operation of the machine, it may take 2-3 cycles for it to stabilise at optimum ice production. Especially in models with programmer (NG 110 and 150) this state can be forced, adding water manually or turning the cams to start another filling cycle.
Starts and stops constantly
1. Is the air condenser clean? If it is dirty, it must be cleaned. In the case of a water-cooled machine, you must check that water is entering and leaving the condenser.
2. Is the condensation pressure switch working properly? The pressure switch must activate the fan when the pressure reaches 18 Bar and must disconnect the fan when the pressure is at 15.5 Bar.
3. Is the high-pressure safety switch working properly? It must stop the machine if the pressure reaches 30 Bar. It will restart the machine when the pressure returns to 21 Bar.
Los hielos salen vacíos (pequeños)
1. ¿En que número está regulado el termostato de ciclo? En el termostato hay un punto rojo indicando el set de fábrica.
2. Aumentando el número en la regulación del termostato, los hielos sales mas llenos/grandes. La regulación va del 1 al 7 (más número indica más lleno)
3. Comprobar que el termostato de ciclo funciona correctamente, cuando falla, el temporizador gira desde el inicio, faltando tiempo de ciclo.
4. Comprobar sistema de frío, posible fallo rendimiento compresor.
*Se debe tener en cuenta que para el funcionamiento correcto de la máquina, puede ser necesario 2-3 ciclos para que se estabilice en una producción óptima de hielo. Especialmente en modelos con programador (ORION 130) se puede forzar ese estado, añadiendo agua manualmente o girando las levas para empezar otro ciclo de llenado.
The ice bin doesn’t have ice and the machine is stopped
1. Regulate the stock thermostat installed in the electrical panel. More number indicates more ice in the ice bin.
2. Check the status of the high pressure safety pressure switch.
The ice remains in the evaporator
1. Is the machine well leveled? The machine must be completely level or even angled forward.
2. The evaporator must be clean. It should be cleaning with phosphoric acid 50% and with hot water.
3. Check thickness sensor, 3-5 mm distance. If it is too far away it forms too big a slab of ice.
The compressor doesn’t work
1. Check that the cleaning switch installed in the electrical panel is in the ICE position.
2. Does the voltage arrive to the compressor? If voltage arrives and it doesn’t work, the compressor must be replaced.
There is no water in the ice bin (modular machine)
1. Check the water level probe installed next to the water pump. This probe detects the water level in the ice bin.
2. Check the status of the electronic board.
3. Check the water inlet valve, which receives voltage and opens correctly.
4. Check water inlet pressure, remove valve restrictor if necessary.
The machine is stopped and there isn’t ice (modular machine)
1. In the lower left side of the curtain there is a magnet which detects the ice level and for the machine. Check that the magnet and the micro of this magnet are in its position.
2. Check that the unit is in ice mode (ICE) on the front switch (by removing the door).
3. Check that the tape holding the curtain and thickness sensor has been removed when installing (remove front door first).
Ice cubes come out with hollows
1. Check that the sensor thickness is not too close to the evaporator (3 to 5 mm).
2. Check that the drain valve closes correctly. If it remains open due to lime, the water is lost through the drain during the manufacture.
3. Check that the hot gas valve does not remain open during manufacturing.

Machine at a standstill
1. Check that tension reaches the electrical panel.
2. Check that the main switch is on I (on the right).
3. Check possible failure indicated in electrical panel lights.
4. Check that the variable speed drive doesn’t alarm.
5. Check at 3 minutes that the starting timer is timing and works correctly.
6. If there is a lack of water, check that the inlet pressure is correct.
7. If it is stopped by high / low pressure, when timing check that the liquid solenoid opens correctly.
8. Check that remote stop or security button are not activated.
The Ice comes out with water from the machine
1. With the water tap adjust the water in the upper distributor, so that the level is below the mark on the center screw of the tray.
2. Check that the tray that collects the water (lower part) is not broken.
3. Check the water pipes irrigation, if necessary, cover the last one (before the milling cutter).
4. Check that the distributor pipes are not broken.
The machine doesn’t make ice and indicates full of ice
1. Check photocell, bridge electrical panel on terminal to verify that it is a photocell fault.
2. Clean the sensor if it is dirty.
3. Check that the light beam has the inclination necessary (minimum operation distance 25 cm). If a conduit for ice fall has been installed, make a window in the light beam zone.
4. Check cabling, as well as possible second photocell.
Flake thickness is not suitable
Very small flakes
Low ice production