ITV sponsors Gastrónoma 2019

ITV sponsors Gastrónoma 2019

Gourmet, the “Mediterranean gastronomic fair” will take place from 10 to 12 November at Feria Valencia. A show designed for food professionals to experience and enjoy tastings, workshops, live cooking, debates and much more.Gourmet is a great event of...
ITV Ice Makers at Host Milan 2019

ITV Ice Makers at Host Milan 2019

The best ice machines for a rapidly evolving market. More than 2,200 exhibitors and nearly 200,000 visitors from 80 countries. Virtually the entire hospitality and catering industry and services were represented at the two-year HostMilano 2019. And almost all of them...
Delta Max: The new gourmet cube

Delta Max: The new gourmet cube

We launched the new range of Delta Max machines, which produce a new solid and crystalline gourmet cube, with a more modern design and totally different from the other successful cubes in the market. In addition, it stands out for its large size of 40gr, adapting to...