by newsitv | Sep 8, 2018 | People on ice en
ITV Ice Maker ice machines are already present at the House of Mixology cocktail school in Madrid, directed by Luis Inchaurraga.Having an ice machine is essential in cocktail making, as it allows cocktails to be presented with quality crystallised ice that will make...
by newsitv | Jul 8, 2018 | People on ice en
ITV held an Open Day where all the workers were able to visit the factory and ITV’s facilities with their families. It was a magical and rewarding day where both adults and children were able to enjoy the ITV ice and various activities. During the day, more than...
by newsitv | Jul 8, 2018 | People on ice en
At ITV Ice Makers we care about the future, we are committed to the environment and sustainable growth. An example of this is our ice machines, which follow an eco-sustainable production process, trying to minimise the negative impact on the environment during the...
by newsitv | Jun 15, 2018 | Awards
El pasado 14 de junio se realizó en las instalaciones de ITV Ice Makers la jornada “Conexión: Lean Industria 4.0” donde se presentó el Caso de éxito de ITV Ice Makers en la implantación del Modelo de Gestión Lean Manufacturing y la plataforma ADA, de la mano de Nexo...
by newsitv | Apr 8, 2018 | Shows
ITV took part in the Food & Hotel Asia 2018 trade fair held in Singapore.During the fair, the latest innovations in ice machines were presented: the new 22″ Slim range, designed to meet the needs of fast food restaurants. This range consists of the Spika MS...
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