The data killed the story

June, 2022


A week ago I was lucky enough to share the 5th Lean congress, organized by Progressa and ADL, with professionals from all sectors, and I take advantage of this forum to share with you some of the points we covered in the congress.

The certain thing is that the foundations of a continuous improvement project are people, and Lean tools are those that help us on the path to excellence. By people I mean you, us, the whole team that accompanies me on this adventure.

I talked about digitizing ITV, which is not simply adding IT support or implementing software, but must be part of an evolution of staff on the path to continuous improvement. And, in fact, all accompanied by training and involvement, the boring phrase “it’s in the DNA” doesn’t work and isn’t real. Many of the team remember the first steps in this method, measuring, collecting data, improving and planting the seeds of this great project.

Now we are on the right path, we improve, we implement new tools, and we continue with the usual ones in new departments, everyone participates and everyone helps… TOP5, VSM, tallers, class, we must be proud of what we are achieving.

We would not be, nor would we have achieved what ITV Ice Makers is now, without this transformation. Not only for the direct profit – the first thing you notice, the improvements over time -, but also for many others that are not seen immediately, but which are however more substantial.

And we are moving towards Lean 4.0 at LÊS. It is necessary and above all it is inevitable. From my experience, it empowers the team, transmits security and pride of belonging.

With the installation of Lean, and now the transition to LÊS, again with Nexo Ingenieria Informatica and Progressa Lean giving us support, we will increase productivity and reduce production costs.

And to highlight some points about what we are going to work on:

Process digitalization: we centralize problems and action plans

The communication system, immediate and without waste

Improving monitoring routines

Access to all information in real time and without excuses

And what is the key to the outcome of a change in Lean methodology:

Training and partners

Don’t think you can learn Lean in 5 days

Let there be no ostentation

That it is not seen or perceived as the inquisition

That the indicators are understood from the point of view of improvement, not as an accusation

And fundamental: smile



February 22, 2025