ITV ice makers: an afternoon at the Circus

January, 2023

Good morning,

I want to thank you and share with you that Friday was a very special day, where we were able to get together again, have fun and share.

Why go to the CIRCUS? Not all of us have had the opportunity to enjoy this show, and it is a rewarding and enriching experience.

If there is one event that we always miss from when we were little, it is, without a doubt, the circus. Clowns, jugglers, acrobats… Everything reminds us of moments full of magic, light and color. And the circus has been, is and will be the show par excellence where illusion, fantasy and imagination are mixed, but it is also the only show where perfection is the rule.

What inspires us the Circus?

ILLUSION, our lighthouse.
TEAMWORK, the essence.
We are excited about the acrobatics of the Circus, and nothing would be the same without the perfection of teamwork, that is the essence, the three ideas, and that is the inspiration.

Let me tell you that the year 2022 has been an excellent year for ITV Ice Makers, despite the difficulties we have had with suppliers, deadlines, changes, machines that have not followed us, etc., we can congratulate ourselves on everything we have achieved together.

Also, the outlook and projection for 2023 is very good, we have laid the foundations for robust and sustained growth.

And without anything else to say, let the show begin, and let these three ideas mark our daily lives in all aspects of our lives:



March 28, 2025