ITV Ice Makers has collaborated as host company in the training actions JOVE OPORTUNITAT (JOOP). A group of young people had the opportunity to visit our facilities and learn first-hand what is the work done at ITV, how they can access a job and what they need to study to achieve it.
It is an initiative of the Institut Valencià de la Joventut and co-financed by the European Social Fund and whose objective is to help young people is to support young people between 16 and 21 years, who neither study nor work, in the construction of their life and professional project. The visit to ITV has served as motivation and professional guidance, and has also helped them to improve in aspects such as self-esteem, optimism, creativity or curiosity.
ITV collaborates with the training programme «jove oportunitat» (joop)

March 09, 2025
Categoría: People on ice en