The Use and Maintenance of Filters in Ice Machines

The Use and Maintenance of Filters in Ice Machines

Filters for ITV ice machines are an important addition that will improve the performance of ice machines and further extend the life of the machines. For this purpose, we make use of filters and filtration systems. In the following, we will explain the ITV filtration...

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Ice crusher: prepare the best drinks

Ice crusher: prepare the best drinks

Crushed ice is an essential part of many of the most popular cocktails: margarita, caipirinha, mojito, daiquiri, etc. When we think of these drinks, the first thing that comes to mind is perfectly crushed ice. When you are having a cocktail and it has well crushed ice...

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5 reasons why you should have an ice machine at home

5 reasons why you should have an ice machine at home

Perhaps during the last few months, you have spent more time at home and have realized that you want to renew the appliances and you may have considered the idea of buying a domestic ice machine. This type of machine is an investment in comfort and health, so in this...

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Ice, key in the transport of COVID-19 vaccines

Ice, key in the transport of COVID-19 vaccines

During the last days we are hearing very good news related to the COVID-19 vaccine and the race to get it, it seems that every day they are closer to being commercialized. In today's post we will explain the importance of ice in the transport and storage of delicate...

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The cold chain in vaccines and medicines

The cold chain in vaccines and medicines

The cold chain provides a controlled temperature supply in products of diverse origin and use. This guarantees the consumer that the product has been kept at the appropriate temperature, both during the manufacturing process and during transport.   Key to food...

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The cold chain in food preservation

The cold chain in food preservation

Everyone of us in our daily lives is more than used to using the cold produced by both the fridge and the freezer to preserve all kinds of food, since the cold ensures that these foods (in its vast majority) are properly preserved. Correctly handling of the food that...

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Five Pitfalls to Avoid when investing in Commercial Ice

Five Pitfalls to Avoid when investing in Commercial Ice

Investing in an ice machine is easy, right? You just buy an ice machine on eBay, put it behind the bar and you're done!  I'm afraid not.  Here are some common mistakes people make when choosing and owning ice machines. Here are some tips to keep in mind if your...

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The importance of ice for the health & chemistry sector

The importance of ice for the health & chemistry sector

The ice it is a key element in maintaining some of the most important sectors of our society, such as health & research.   Ice in hospitals In hospitals and rehabilitation centers, mainly granular ice is used in traumatology to apply to the patient on the...

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