At ITV Ice Makers we believe in the strength of women. As in almost all industries with a high technological component, the incorporation of women has grown very rapidly in the recent decades. Today we can say that women’s access to any type of positions in our sector is completely normalized.

At ITV this is because we believed in equal opportunity many years before they said we should believe in it.

We have managed to build a coherent professional project that respects the rights of the people who work at ITV, promoting their integration on equal terms.

In the same way as manufacturing and selling ice machines, equality is part of our business strategy and of the Ice For Life spirit, which we have been sharing with the entire team, customers, suppliers and collaborators for years. We are committed to developing, implementing, and communicating it, aware that the commitment to equality is part of the mark that ITV Ice Makers leaves on society, contributing to its improvement.

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Let’s make it simple. Women are valued for their ability, like all the people that make up the company, they are not women or men, but people who work for a common project. Proof of this is that traditionally masculinized jobs, such as transporting a wheelbarrow, are performed by both.

And since talent does not depend on gender, many of the positions of higher responsibility are also filled by women. There are several that have management positions in the different departments and the best example of this is Cristina Cordón, CEO of ITV Ice Makers: “I am the example that women’s access to all kinds of positions in our sector is increasingly normalized (…) Due to my vision of life and work, for me, being a woman has been one more challenge than a limitation”.

All in all, ITV Ice Makers has an Equality Plan that integrates concrete initiatives that seek to introduce the gender perspective in management and guarantee the co-responsible exercise of the rights of all people. In addition, it has an Equality Committee that ensures compliance with these rules and has a protocol to be put into action to offer help to any team member who suffers any type of sexual, physical or psychological harassment.


At ITV we believe in more than just making ice machines.

We believe in women in the industry.

We believe in the strength of our Women On Ice.