Hot-Cold Water Machine: Maximum Versatility at Home and Office

Hot-Cold Water Machine: Maximum Versatility at Home and Office

Relying on effective solutions in terms of comfort and versatility in our spaces is more and more important each day, representing an essential way to get better results in our activities. It isn’t always about economic performance, like when our clients choose ITV...

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ITV Ice Making Machine: Efficiency and Quality

ITV Ice Making Machine: Efficiency and Quality

Ice, in its many forms, is a crucial part of our everyday. Whichever your routine, your favorite activities, your nutrition habits, or your hobbies at home are, it’s possible that ice is present, being an element that cannot be absent. For this reason, more...

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Gelato and Ice Cream: Know the Differences!

Gelato and Ice Cream: Know the Differences!

We can say that, in the last few years, the gelato’s trend is getting more and more noticeable all around the world, becoming very popular in places where this dessert was simply unknown. Right now, the situation for this delicious, Italian treat is quite different....

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How Can Ice Help You with Your Medicine?

How Can Ice Help You with Your Medicine?

Being sick is one of the things we hate the most. Unfortunately, from time to time, we have to face that unfortunate scenario, even if we work hard to avoid it. When this happens, resting may be not enough. Then, we are forced to take medicines that, most of the time,...

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Why Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold Water

Why Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold Water

One of the most curious and unknown things about ice is that hot water can become ice faster than cold water when we get it immediately in the freezer. This sounds nonsense. How can it be possible that hot water can reach a freezing temperature faster than water that...

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Ice Making Machine for Pubs: Solutions from ITV

Ice Making Machine for Pubs: Solutions from ITV

While the restoration and entertainment sectors outside the house grow, the end consumers have become more demanding, requiring higher-quality services. To make it happen, implementing innovative solutions is necessary, most of these based on brand-new technologies. A...

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Ice Maker Machine: Why Do You Need One?

Ice Maker Machine: Why Do You Need One?

For many decades, having an ice maker machine has been the exception, not the rule. Getting and installing these machines at home or commercial establishments supposed a big investment and abundant inconveniences. Now technology is on our side. With the years, the...

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ITV Ice Makers: An Exceptional Ice Maker Machine

ITV Ice Makers: An Exceptional Ice Maker Machine

ITV Ice Makers, founded in 1981, is a market-leading company with great prestige in the hostelry and industrial sector and in the manufacture of ice maker machines. If you need an ice maker machine that meets the highest and most demanding expectations, without a...

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ITV Teaches You How to Add Ice to Your Wine

ITV Teaches You How to Add Ice to Your Wine

With the summer here, the tradition of adding some ice to our wine is becoming a rising trend. A sounding proof of that is the initiative that some brands have been developing over the last few years, offering wine presentations that are specially created for...

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ITV Ice, Essential For Saving Lives

ITV Ice, Essential For Saving Lives

Currently, in Spain, there are 33.8 donations per million inhabitants, becoming the first country in the world in organ transplants. ITV ICE MAKERS has been actively involved in numerous transplants. Thanks to our ice it has been possible to conserve the organs in...

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