With the summer here, the tradition of adding some ice to our wine is becoming a rising trend.

A sounding proof of that is the initiative that some brands have been developing over the last few years, offering wine presentations that are specially created for consumption with ice.

In any case, adding ice to wine is a risky venture if we don’t know how to do it well, especially in those cases where we are going to be delighted by a quality wine. Ice melts down, influencing wine’s concentration and, as a direct consequence, altering its texture and character.

That’s why it’s paramount to follow experienced advice if we don’t want our lovely evening ruined by spoiled wine.

Step 1 – Choosing the Right Glass

It’s essential to choose a wide glass and leave it half-full. When filling it, we need to pour a little bit more in comparison when we enjoy the wine alone, without any ice.

Step 2 – Choosing the Right Ice

Big ice cubes like ITV’s Delta or Super Star are ideal to keep wine cold as they last longer. We will add ice cubes until fulfilling entirely the glass.

Step 3 – Time

The ice cubes will only stay in the glass for about a minute until the wine reaches its ideal temperature.

Step 4 – Extracting the Ice Cubes

After that minute, we need to delicately take out the used ice cubes, avoiding them to meltdown and spoil the wine’s flavor and character.

Step 5 – Discover Its Taste

Finally, the only thing left to do is enjoying the cold wine along with the best company.