In recent years, vermouth has experienced a surprising growth in Spain due to its greater availability, becoming one of the most popular drinks among the Spanish. Originally from Italy, this wine is appreciated by young and old alike. Whether in bars or taverns, it is a perfect choice for a relaxed social gathering or a casual meal.

From ITV we are going to tell you a little more about the history of vermouth, some curiosities about its origin and the correct way to serve it.

Vermouth as an Aperitif

With the increase of this wine, the custom of aperitifs has also resurfaced, especially in restaurants that suffered from the pandemic. Its unique combination of herbs, spices and wine creates a balanced and aromatic flavor that invites people to prefer it over other cocktails or drinks. Served with ice and a slice of orange or lemon, vermouth offers a refreshing and delicious experience.

Ice in the Preparation

Ice plays an important role in the preparation and serving of vermouth. By adding ice, we not only refresh the drink, but also help dilute the flavor slightly, softening and enhancing the essence of its complex flavors and aromas. Whether served with a single stone of ice or in a tall glass with lots of ice, vermouth on the rocks is a classic and elegant choice for drink lovers everywhere.


Here you can read our article about the new IQ ice machines.


ITV Ice Makers presents the “model” line of ice machines as the best choice for the production of high-quality ice and best suited for the preparation and serving of vermouth, extracting the best that wine has to offer.


Emerging as a mixture of wine with herbs and spices, vermouth was initially highly valued for its medicinal properties. However, it was in 18th century Italy where vermouth acquired true relevance, with Antonio Benedetto Carpano, a well-known Italian distiller, being credited as the inventor of vermouth, as well as being the first to market it in Turin. Since then, vermouth has been enjoyed all over the world, gaining popularity in a large number of countries and becoming an essential element, whether served in cocktails or drunk neat.

If you are thinking of acquiring your own ice machine and want to find out which one is the best for you, you can contact us here for advice.