Winter is just around the corner, and is a time when the change in temperatures compared to autumn is abrupt, so that colds become very common. The cold, the rains and, in many places, the snow, take over our country.

To try to avoid them, or at least, reduce their strength, it is advisable that we follow some guidelines to take extreme precautions, and face the winter in the best way possible.

Hygiene and food

The flu and viruses are more than usual, so all the measures we can take are just a few. One of the most common is extreme hygiene, precisely to wash your hands frequently, as it is a part of the body that accumulates a large amount of viruses. In addition, when it comes to coughing or sneezing, it is necessary to cover your mouth, thus preventing bacteria from spreading throughout the enclosure in which we find ourselves. Do not rub your mouth, eyes or nose if you are not sure that your hands are completely clean, since you can accelerate the process of viruses in this way, facilitating their entry into our body.

A correct diet to improve the defenses of our body

A good diet, a routine of physical exercise, and avoiding unhealthy habits, such as smoking, help prevent possible diseases. Homemade broths, fish and nuts are the necessary foods to increase the fats of our body and thus obtain the necessary forces to combat the cold.

In addition, vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps strengthen the immune system. Broccoli, red pepper, oranges, lemons and kiwi are some advisable products to swallow if we want to make ourselves strong enough to face the winter.

Vitamin A is responsible for maintaining the skin in an optimal state, in addition to helping the lips to prevent them from cracking. Chicken, turkey, fish and dairy products are foods with a high level of vitamin A, so it is advisable to consume them in cold season.

Abrupt changes in temperature

Heating in closed rooms is usual as soon as the cold arrives, and when going outside after being there for some time, the change in temperature is enormous. Experts advise having rooms at a maximum temperature of 22º C, in addition to ventilating them often.

Adequate and layered clothing

It is important to adapt the clothes to the temperature we face. In the case of an extremely cold temperature, the use of thermal clothing is allowed. Otherwise, it is advisable to wear comfortable clothes, thinking that when entering an air-conditioned place it is necessary to take off one or another garment. This is what we mean by “dressing in layers“.

Extra accessories for bundling up

In addition to wearing comfortable and warm clothing and shoes, depending on the area we are in, we can have more or less cold. To combat it, there are other items, such as hats, scarves and gloves, to bundle up even more. These accessories are usually wool, ideal material for both the head, neck and hands to get warm if the cold stalks strongly.

Practice sports often, routinely

By doing any sport, our body gets warm, which is perfect to combat the cold of winter. Regular physical activity has other advantages, such as controlling your weight or improving self-esteem.


Do you have any extra advice to avoid flu and constipation this winter? Do you know of other foods that help fight the cold and improve our health?

Tell us!