As we all know, climate change affects every day more our planet and we can only change it with everybody’s help. At ITV we are committed to the environment, and we really take it into consideration when producing our ice machines.

However, there is a very important problem that can seriously affect (and it’s already affecting) the Earth situation. It’s the ice melt of the North and South poles

Melting poles, a most serious problem than we think

The ice melt of the poles is a process that, previously, used to be natural. The Earth had ice ages and melting ages in both the poles, but at the present time, the melting of ice has increased due to human actions.

Researches conducted in 2013, estimates that it would more than 5,000 years for all the ice of the poles to melt and the sea level would rise nearly 66 metres. Due to the high quantity of carbon dioxide human beings release in the atmosphere, we got to accelerate this process and it is estimated that, at the end of the 21th century, the sea level will rise approximately of one metre, affecting important coast cities everywhere in the world, as in Florida, New York, London, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Lima, Tokyo or others in China. An extremely worrying data that we struggle to notice because of the slowness of this process.

Danger of extinction for the fauna living in the poles

Because of the global warming, the animals depending on the ice to survive are now at risk of extinction.

Polar bear. The favourite prey of polar bears are seals and, without ice, this option is considerably reduced.

Beluga whale. The main food of this species is the arctic codfish. These fishes eat crustaceans which, in turn, eat arctic seaweeds. In the event that the poles melt and disappear, the chain of consequences will affect the whales, which will need to find a different food source from the actual one.

Pacific walrus. These oversized seals with big fangs use the ice to rest and give birth to their babies.

In addition to the ice melt, the sea creatures can also be affected by the contamination of the ocean, due to oil and gas scraps released in it.

ITV, environmentally conscious

As we mentioned before, at ITV we are totally aware of the melting poles, the climate changes we are currently experiencing, and everything related to this topic so important for all.

We take great care both of the used methods and the products and materials we use to manufacture any of our ice machines. Moreover, we create every machine with an eye for the highest efficiency, to reduce as much as possible the average consumption of our clients.

The climate change awareness is a very important topic, that we all should be aware of, not just for now, but knowing what situation we are going to leave to the future generations. Take actions as saving hot water, electricity, gas, encourage the electric car usage, recycle… these are small actions that we all can take without big effort and, both the air and the fauna and flora that are at risk of extinction, will thank us for it.

We hope this brief article can be useful for our readers to develop an awareness about the climate change, how serious this problem is and, among all, how to support its solution.

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