Types of Ice for Cocktails

Types of Ice for Cocktails

In the cocktail industry, ice is a crucial element that not only serves to chill drinks. With the passage of time, the quality and shape of the ice have contributed to a much more attractive and appetizing presentation of cocktails. In ITV we talk about the types of...

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Transplanting Organs

Transplanting Organs

Organ transplants not only save lives, but also have a significant impact on the emotional well-being and quality of life of the recipient patient. This procedure has played a fundamental role in the lives of many people, allowing them to recover the normality of...

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Ice Baths: A Revitalizing Bath for the Body and Mind

Ice Baths: A Revitalizing Bath for the Body and Mind

In the world we live in, where stress and tension seem to be constant, finding effective ways to relax and recharge is essential for our well-being. Among the various physical and mental recovery techniques, the practice of ice baths has made a comeback. From ITV we...

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Vermouth, the Drink That Is Fashionable in Spain

Vermouth, the Drink That Is Fashionable in Spain

In recent years, vermouth has experienced a surprising growth in Spain due to its greater availability, becoming one of the most popular drinks among the Spanish. Originally from Italy, this wine is appreciated by young and old alike. Whether in bars or taverns, it is...

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Tips for Choosing an Ice Machine

Tips for Choosing an Ice Machine

ITV Ice Makers, a specialist in ice machine distribution, offers a wide range of equipment that produces ice in cubes (DELTA MAX, SUPER STAR, GALA, and SPIKA series), finger-shaped (QUASAR series), flakes (ESCALA series), and granulated/crushed (IQ series). This...

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Advantages of Having Your Own Ice Machine

Advantages of Having Your Own Ice Machine

For some time now, the cost of ice packs has skyrocketed. Not only are they more expensive than ever, but we often find that there are shortages in major retailers, and those that are available are not always of the best quality. From ITV we are going to tell you...

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Businesses that Fall in Love Thanks to ITV – Il Cortile

Businesses that Fall in Love Thanks to ITV – Il Cortile

Many catering businesses have already simplified their processes and improved the quality of their service thanks to ITV ice machines. One of them is Il Cortile, a group of seven restaurants specializing in Italian food. Il Cortile has accumulated seven awards for the...

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Discover the new NG 2CUBE ice machine for Premium beverages

Discover the new NG 2CUBE ice machine for Premium beverages

At ITV Ice Makers Ice Makers we have taken a step forward in the ice machine market with the NG 2CUBE, designed to achieve perfectly square cubes with a magazine finish, perfect for liquors, cocktails or drinks of the highest quality. A perfect cube In the hospitality...

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New IQ ice machines – Cutting-edge technology

New IQ ice machines – Cutting-edge technology

In the world of ice machines, technology is advancing to create an ever faster and more convenient experience. At ITV Ice Makers we have redefined the ice machine standard with the new IQ range. Let us tell you more: IQ range: innovation in ice machines Introducing...

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It's never too late to learn new cooking tricks, and those who think they know it all are wrong. Culinary knowledge really has no limits. Did you know, for example, how to heat rice from the day before in the microwave without turning it into a sticky and unappetizing...

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