The trend of using crushed ice to serve sushi

The trend of using crushed ice to serve sushi

More and more restaurants specializing in Asian food use ice to serve their dishes. Specifically Japanese food, sushi and sashimi bites are starting to be served with crushed ice for a touch of originality. Serving sushi with ice not only contributes to a more...

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Ice machines with water discharge pump

Ice machines with water discharge pump

If you have reached this article, it is because ice is an elementary product for your business and you serve it daily and in large quantities. That's why you need the perfect machine for ice production. So I suppose you are familiar with pump ice machines. Didn't you...

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Ice Plant: a humanitarian project

Ice Plant: a humanitarian project

At ITV we are committed to you, we work with innovation, dynamism, sustainability, and commitment to society and to our team. In today's article we are going to talk about the Ice Plan project, in which one of our clients, the company Cleanep, which offers...

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Women on Ice

Women on Ice

At ITV Ice Makers we believe in the strength of women. As in almost all industries with a high technological component, the incorporation of women has grown very rapidly in the recent decades. Today we can say that women's access to any type of positions in our sector...

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IQN 240

IQN 240

At ITV Ice Makers we know that ice is an essential product for your business, and therefore not just any ice machine is good. We have the best machines to make ice. In today's article we are going to talk about our new addition, the IQN 240, the best nugget ice...

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ITV technologies to achieve maximum hygiene and efficiency

ITV technologies to achieve maximum hygiene and efficiency

One of the most important and transcendental wishes for entrepreneurs is to keep their company as hygienic as possible and carry out all processes or tasks in the most efficient way. And why would you do it the traditional way when you can do it through technology...

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The luxury of ice in your home

The luxury of ice in your home

We recently published an article in the magazine, which talks about the real possibilities of having an ice machine in private homes. We also explain the reason for this trend, the benefits and uses it has for the user and some of the most important...

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