Ice face treatment: a very exciting alternative

Did you know that ice can be part of some of your beauty routines? In today’s article we are going to talk about using ice to remove stains on your skin, an option not known by all the people …

Ice cube vending machine

At ITV we are specialized in the manufacture and distribution of ice cube vending machine that your business needs, whatever might be the sector it belongs to. Whenever a business needs to use great quantities of ice, it’s more profitable...

Melting poles: causes and consequences

As we all know, climate change affects every day more our planet and we can only change it with everybody’s help. At ITV we are committed to the environment, and we really take it into consideration when producing our ice …

Your business needs catering equipment

To start a business in the catering field always requires an initial outlay in catering equipment, which is essential to offer a complete service to your clients. Among all the needed equipment, one of them could be an ice machine, …