193536__ice-vs-blaze-conflict-ice-fire-collision_pFire and ice. Cold against heat. An eternal struggle that has been the protagonist of works of art, books, films and even some of the most successful present day series. But, which is more powerful? At ITV-Ice Makers, we admit that cannot be objective about this. Even so, we shall analyse it.

Ice is frozen water, and in principle it would be logical to think that a blast of fire would reduce the solidity of the ice returning it to its former liquid state. In fact, at home, you may have tried placing an ice cube under hot water from the tap to see how it melts. But, things may change if we put ourselves in a situation of greater equality, in which the block of ice is more resistant and better formed. And if not, watch the video in the link below.


When an enormous block of ice is saturated with lava, the result is that the lava starts to solidify before it can overcome the whole block of ice. The most curious thing during this fight is to see how the ice only starts to yield for a short time, going from solid to steam without passing through the intermediate liquid stage.

One of the fields where there is an eternal struggle between cold and heat is in the treatment wounds and pain. Here it can be said that, depending on each individual case, both applications can be beneficial.

In short, heat decreases the effects of stress on muscles and joints, reduces contractures and relieves menstrual cramps. On the other hand cold is very beneficial against the swelling caused by a wound or a sprain and also helps to relieve headaches and the general feeling of discomfort experienced during the summer. It is, however, essential to apply them during short sessions (10-15 minutes) several times a day.

Another of the curiosities within this struggle which may incline the balance to the colder side is the fact that ice can be used to create fire, but not the other way around. Yes, it sounds incredible, but we leave you with the empirical evidence in the form of a video: