If you have business related to catering or dedicated to the restoration, we know for sure that the use of ice cubes is one of your main concern.

While it is true that there is the possibility of having an ice cube supplier, the most affordable option (in the medium to long term) is to purchase an ice machine from ITV, the leading brand in the manufacturing and distribution sector of ice machines.

Ice in Valencia

Relying upon ice suppliers of ice is much more expensive than buying an ice machine and keeping it constantly working.

Working with ice suppliers can cause some problem, such as running out of ice cubes at the worst possible time. This situation will no longer be a problem when you will have an ice machine, as it will always be running, generating ice and with cubes stored to be used whenever you will need to use them.

In addition, you will also get an excellent ice cube quality. When you contact a supplier, you do not know for sure if the ice cubes are of quality or not. An ice machine provides excellent ice cubes, perfect at a millimetric level, transparent and without any substance that can alter the flavour of beverages, such as lime, since the machines have a filtering system suitable for their usage and the type of ice they produce.

With an ice machine in your business, you will save money and time, which you can use to improve the business.

Types of ice machines

DELTA Range. Many of the hotel businesses choose this type of ice in Valencia, because it is the most complete and the type of ice that is created is suitable for a large number of services: soft drinks, various beverages and cocktails. This machine contains an advanced filtering system, with two filters, which get the water to be purified to the maximum and ice cubes to be pure.

PULSAR Range. This is the most powerful and complete ITV machine, which entails design and functionality in equal parts. In addition, the ice cubes it generates are larger than the previous one and, also, they have a greater resistance to temperature.

STAR Range. Exclusive ice machine for businesses and clubs with an high night-time activity and high consumption of drinks. It produces large and resistant ice cubes, which leave no strange tastes in the drink.

SPIKA Range. These are the smallest ice cubes that the ITV ice machines produce. They are resistant and are generated in large quantities, since they are usually used in fast food places, so it is important that they are always available.

QUASAR Range. Ice elegant and different from all others. These ice cubes are finger-shaped and are hollow in the centre. These ice machines are tropicalized, which means they can be used in places with extreme temperatures, both very hot or very cold, so, this type of ice machines, have a lifespan far superior to that of other brands.

ICE QUEEN Range. This machine produces crushed or granular ice, which is perfect for maintaining cold the food and drinks served outdoors or on counters facing the user. It is also used in some types of cocktails, massages and in laboratories.

SCALA Range. Ice machine that generates ice in flakes, very cold and dry ice, ideal for cooling perishable food, fishing industries, sanitary facilities…


All ITV ice machines are designed to be easy to clean for the user.