ITV has been manufacturing and managing ice makers for more than 30 years, which is why it is consolidated as a leading company in the hospitality sector and the manufacture of ice makers.

Times have changed since ITV opened their headquarters in Valencia, and technology has also done so. Therefore, ITV has used it to renew their products and improve them, ready to offer the best efficiency that can be expected from an ice maker.

Operation of an ice maker

Depending on the manufacturer, the ice makers work can vary, but in the vast majority, the basic operation of making ice cubes is the following:

  1. All ice makers have (or should have) a water inlet, which pours the water on a tray with a different format in each case, depending on the ice cube shape we need.
  2. The tray with water is frozen by layers, until it is completely frozen and ice cubes are formed. This process usually lasts between 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the ice maker and the ice shape to get.
  3. Once the tray is perfectly frozen, the temperature rises a few degrees, which allows ice cubes to separate from the tray that holds them and fall to the place where they are sorted.
  4. Once ice cubes are sorted in the repository, they will be ready for the user to lift the lead and use the ice cubes.

Advantages of having an ice maker

When a person prepares to buy an ice maker, either for their business, for a store or for their own home, doubts arise. Until you are not the owner of one, you do not know if you are going to use it. In order to do this, we are going to explain several reasons why is convenient to invest in an ice maker.

Immediate ice, whenever you need it. With an ice machine, you will always have ice available, without being aware of the typical freezer ice tray, which does not make more than 20 ice cubes at a time. In addition, water in the freezer takes about 8 hours to freeze.

Ice cubes quality. There is no better way to make ice cubes than with an ice maker. You will be amazed by the quality and perfection of the ice cubes produced by these machines.

Use and hygiene. Thanks to the latest technology advances, ice makers make life easier for us. Never has been so easy and quick to make ice cubes. In addition, it improves hygiene in terms of ice creation. If we buy ice in bags, it does not give us any guarantee regarding terms of hygiene. Even making ice ourselves, it is also exposed to possible contaminations, even if there are minor ones. With an ice maker this is no longer a problem, thanks to internal filters that purify the water before converting it into ice.

An ice maker can become an ideal companion in our homes or business. The manufacture speed of ice cubes, the hygiene and the ice cubes quality that are obtained are key aspects when acquiring an ice maker. Consult with our experts to advise you which would be your ideal ice maker.