by ITV | 27 May, 2022 | blog
At ITV Ice Makers we believe in the strength of women. As in almost all industries with a high technological component, the incorporation of women has grown very rapidly in the recent decades. Today we can say that women’s...
by ITV | 28 Apr, 2022 | blog
At ITV Ice Makers we know that ice is an essential product for your business, and therefore not just any ice machine is good. We have the best machines to make ice. In today’s article we are going to...
by ITV | 5 Apr, 2022 | blog
One of the most important and transcendental wishes for entrepreneurs is to keep their company as hygienic as possible and carry out all processes or tasks in the most efficient way. And why would you do it the traditional way …
by ITV | 21 Feb, 2022 | blog
Ice is increasingly present in our daily lives. In addition, new uses are always being discovered that are beneficial for everyone. Today we come to talk about the use of ice in cans of preserves, a benefit that many...
by ITV | 26 Jan, 2022 | blog
We recently published an article in the magazine, which talks about the real possibilities of having an ice machine in private homes. We also explain the reason for this trend, the benefits and uses it has for the user...
by ITV | 20 Dec, 2021 | blog
It is highly probable to run out of ice during opening hours, especially if you are the owner of a cocktail bar. In the event that something like this happens, you will have to improvise and do miracles in order …