The Best Ice for Preserving Seafood

One more year, TVE’s Masterchef features ITV ice machines. In this new season, we have already seen how they use the SCALA range, which is the best option for preserving seafood like lobster, which was the star dish. SCALA is...

The Perfect Cocktail for Delta Ice

DELTA machines have a solid internal structure that enables both maintenance and specialist intervention. But not only this is important. The ice it generates is also important. In the DELTA range it is an ice cube widely used in the …

ITV’s ice experience, at Hostelco

2016 edition of Hostelco is on, and ITV Ice Makers are there to invite people to discover the magic of ice. From Sunday 23rd to Wednesday 26th the latest products from the company are showcased there. The trade show takes …

Kitchen Ice: Gourmet Ice at Home

At ITV Ice Makers we are always evolving. For more than 25 years, we have been leaders and earned prestige in the hospitality industry. Our product has gotten into new markets and has created a business network throughout the world …

The Funny Story of Ice Wine

Icewine has its origins in German Francony. It was discovered by chance in 1794 when making wine from frozen grapes. It turned out that the wine had a high sacharimetric concentration. Years after, mid 18th century, it began to be …