ITV machines are clean and convenient for any catering and hospitality customer. However, it’s always good to do some maintenance to keep your ice machine in good condition, to guarantee a perfect running and to lengthen its life. In fact, it is crucial to observe ITV’s Technical Assistance tips, which we summarize for you in this blog. Should you need more information, you can find tutorials in the Net to preserve your machine all year round.


1 – In air-condensed machines, you must clean the condenser. Besides, you must keep the grid clean and free of obstructions.

2- Clean the pump filter every 3 months so that it does not get obstructed with limescale. In areas with hard water, use an anti-limescale filter. Besides, perform a decalcification every year with ITV Calklin.

3- Clean the evaporator and the components in contact with water every 6 months. Mix water with ITV Calklin, put the solution in the water container with the cleaning button on, or with the machine switched off in case there is not such a button.

4- Carry out maintenance of the components which need regular cleaning. Keep the storage reservoir clean with a basic cleaning every week.

5- Every 6 months, check the water inlet filter. Make sure the drain is not jammed and verify that the ice sensor and the stock thermostat work properly.