For anyone, not only to those who really care about good ice for their preparations, it’s fascinating to see the perfection, clarity, and transparency of ice cubes perfectly created in the most delicate way possible. But making perfect ice cubes is not easy. It requires a methodology, a special effort.

At ITV Ice Makers, we have always been committed to creating ice making machines that produce an optimum final product, ideal for the demanding users. However, for those who are at home and don’t have one of our fine machines, this type of ice continues to be at hand.

In the following lines, we will talk about how to make perfect ice cubes without die trying.

An Enviable Art

Before we begin with the procedure, there is something important to make clear: it is not easy to make perfect ice cubes. Truth be told, getting that crystalline finish, just like clean water, is not an impossible science to dominate. What is also true is that we need to be patient and dedicate some time to the process.

At the end, we will not only get clean, crystalline ice but also an ice cube that will not alter in any possible way the flavor of the drink or food we are going to enjoy.

Pure Water is a Priority

Now, let’s begin with the process. The first step to make perfect ice cubes, regardless the method we choose, is using 100-percent pure and clean water. To achieve this, we need to choose the right type of water and boil it twice.

Filtered bottled water and water purified by inverse osmosis are two great, valid options regarding the liquid to use. Whichever is the chosen option, the water should not have any mineral residue nor other elements that may affect its composition.

After we choose the water, we will boil it twice. This is done in order to eliminate all air bubbles that are in the liquid. The air bubbles’ presence makes more difficult for water molecules to get together during the freezing process. Then, eliminating them makes the results we want possible.

The boiling process consists in boiling the water once and let it cool down naturally, outside the freezer. Then, once it gets to ambient temperature, boil it again.

Protect the Process

The environmental elements play a huge role during this process. On the air, it’s normal for dust molecules to float around. Dust is a constant, which reaches our food and drink without we even notice it. This also happens when we try to make ice.

First, while we wait for hot water to cool down naturally outside the freezer, we need to protect it from the dust. Afterwards, in the moment of pouring the water on the trays that are going to be used in the congelation process, we must also have to protect the water from dust, even while being inside the freezer.

In both scenarios, the best way to achieve this is by using plastic wraps and adjusting them precisely to the tray’s shape, avoiding any air to go in or out. Only this way, we will keep the ice absolutely clean from any impurities.

Slow Freezing Alternative

An alternative, in case we don’t want to boil the water twice, is using a slow freezing method. Slowly freezing the water causes the gas and bubbles to go out and disappear naturally. However, it takes time.

After we place the water in the trays, we need to adjust the desired temperature for the freezer. An adequate point is -1º Celsius, which is exactly below the freezing point. This will allow us to extend the process to 24 hours, giving the necessary time for this natural purification to occur.

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