ITV Ice, Essential For Saving Lives

Currently, in Spain, there are 33.8 donations per million inhabitants, becoming the first country in the world in organ transplants. ITV ICE MAKERS has been actively involved in numerous transplants. Thanks to our ice it has been possible to...

Industrial Ice Maker Machine: ITV’s Specialty

The ice maker machine for industrial use is one of the main specialties at ITV Ice Makers. Today, there are many sectors in which our highly specialized hardware is ideal. Yet, if we need to mention one model that fits …

Ice for Restaurants

The best ice for hostelry and gastronomy applications is the one produced by high-end machines. ITV is specialized in cutting-edge ice producing machines for these sectors, providing the very best results possible. The main challenge is that, in these sectors,...

ITV Ice Dispenser as an Effective Solution for Gastronomy

The ice dispenser is one of the main solutions for hostelry and gastronomy-based businesses. This piece of hardware allows us to have ice, at any moment and ready for consumption. This way, we achieve full satisfaction for the customer, stimulating …

Drinking Water for Offices, Thanks to ITV

Drinking water is a mandatory need that every single company must fulfill for its employees. Nevertheless, it could be a mistake to rely on any machine to do the job. There are many products available in the market that can …

ITV will be present in Alimentaria & Horexpo 2017

Each year many important events regarding hostelry are held and ITV is always present in them. The next date to save will be the Alimentaria Fair & Horexpo and will take place in Lisbon from the 4th to the …