Currently, in Spain, there are 33.8 donations per million inhabitants, becoming the first country in the world in organ transplants. ITV ICE MAKERS has been actively involved in numerous transplants. Thanks to our ice it has been possible to conserve the organs in each movement.

The conservation of the organs during movement is the key, since the donation requires a very limited time, in which it is necessary to coordinate every detail exhaustively.

In fact, depending on the type of organ, the shelf life could change. Specifically, for the heart or lung, the shelf life is three to five hours, while for the liver or pancreas it is 12 to 24 hours.

With the ice, we manage to preserve the organ, since it helps to diminish and stop the cell degradation process. For the preservation process, the patient’s circulatory system is sometimes used to perfuse the fluids and thus take out the blood from the organ.