ITV’s cream whipping machine

ITV’s cream whipping machine is one of the different products that ITV ICE MAKERS produce. Our company is not only a specialist in ice machines. This whipping machine is small and easy to use, with an elegant line and a …

A sports Easter holidays for the ITV Ice Makers’ Team

The Ice For Life has recently started the sport season with several challenges and competitions which are highlighted in the calendar and that are spread all over the world. Every single one of them will be narrated here in our …

Triathlon season has started for Ice For Life team

The sport season opening for this 2017 is on and Ice For Life team is preparing and facing already their first challenges and races of the year. This time Gandia has been the chosen place to start a new year …

Filtration Sytems by ITV

In ITV we are not only experts in ice and in the different types of machinery we create to add maximum quality. We go much further. Filtration systems are one of the fields to take into account seriously. It is …

Homemade Gourmet Ice

Innovation is constant in ITV Ice Makers, ideas flow and never stop on the will of making the day to day of our clients easier. Our different types ice machines for each situation are a success for hostelry, health and …